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emergency preparedness, Jared Matkin, survival gear, survival kits -

I’ve always had a few battery powered emergency preparedness flashlights tucked away in various spots in my house just in case of a power outage, but they rarely ever get used. In fact, I kind of forget about them until I happen upon them by accident, or open a drawer and notice that for some reason the light is actually on. Having a backup light with a dead battery that you’ve hidden from yourself is not an effective way to be prepared for a blackoutThat’s why portable solar panel and crank flashlights are an important part of an emergency preparedness...

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emergency preparedness, survival gear -

They are often called bomb shelters, bunkers, pillboxes, fall out shelters and raid shelters. While they may represent war and political unrest they also represent a rich history in emergency preparedness, national and private defense and the best in all encompassing survival gear. There are many ways that people can pay tribute to bomb shelters old and new. There are several books written with bomb shelters as central parts of the story. This literature can give us a peak into the rich history of emergency shelters in the United States and internationally. Dancing in Bomb Shelters by Johanna Wycoff is...

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emergency preparedness, Jared Matkin, survival gear, survival kit -

If you’ve never actually wrapped up in an emergency blanket it may be hard to believe there’s any great benefit in including this tiny little sheet in your survival kit. I guess you could probably say I was a nonbeliever until I was actually forced to use one out of necessity in the back of an old station wagon that broke down on a cold desert highway (true story, but one for another time). The point is, there is always an emergency blanket in my survival kit now.This nifty little invention has many names. You may hear it called a...

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emergency preparedness, natural disasters, survival gear -

Natural disasters occur everyday. While some natural disasters have forewarnings, many do not. Some of us become desensitized by the tragedies that are associated with these disasters as we see pictures and news stories affiliated with them regularly on the nightly news. Some of us do not become desensitized to these terrible catastrophes. We instead become prepared with the proper emergency preparedness items and survival gear.One of the most overlooked things that can drastically aid those affected by disasters is natural disaster insurance. A surprising amount of people that have spent numerous hours and dollars in emergency preparedness efforts have...

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emergency preparedness, survival gear, survival kit -

When you are told that you have to evacuate your home and you only have 30 minutes what do you grab? Did you think to grab a change of clothes for everyone? What about extra shoes? While packing clothing might not seem as important as your family photo albums, making sure that your family is prepared does mean having spare clothes and shoes in your survival kit. Most people think of clothing as an afterthought and that they can go to the store and buy more clothes, but that won’t always be an option. If you were in a major...

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