survival kit

, , - October 12, 2011

Emergency preparedness is crucial, now more than ever. With heightened terrorism alerts and the recent frequency of natural disasters, everyone should be taking the initiative to stock emergency food storage and set up a survival kit. First and foremost, keep yourself and your family safe.You may be asking yourself how you can help others during a disaster. The single most important thing you can do to help is to make sure that you and your family are prepared for emergency situations. The less you have to rely on outside help, the more it frees up those resources to help others....

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, , - September 22, 2011

There are basic items that you would want to have in your survival kit, such as food, water, shelter, first aid kit and clothing. These are the essentials that will help you get through any emergency situation, and you have planned out in detail the items to be packed. Beyond the basics that you’ve prepared for emergencies, there are some other tools and utensils that will make a survival situation much more tolerable. Some you will want to pack in your bug out bag, and some you will want to pack in your secondary survival storage to be grabbed given...

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, , , - September 20, 2011

A fire in an emergency situation can provide warmth, a method for cooking food and purifying water, a way to signal for help and can repel pesky insects. For these reasons, stocking your survival kit with at least three different methods for starting fires is essential. My gear includes waterproof, easy strike matches, a butane lighter, and a magnesium compound striker. I also pack steel wool and a battery, char cloth (strips of 100% cotton, lit on fire and snuffed out once blackened,) and dryer lint coated in paraffin wax. And there are flammable cotton balls and alcohol rubs in...

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, , , - July 05, 2011

If you’ve never actually wrapped up in an emergency blanket it may be hard to believe there’s any great benefit in including this tiny little sheet in your survival kit. I guess you could probably say I was a nonbeliever until I was actually forced to use one out of necessity in the back of an old station wagon that broke down on a cold desert highway (true story, but one for another time). The point is, there is always an emergency blanket in my survival kit now.This nifty little invention has many names. You may hear it called a...

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, , - June 23, 2011

When you are told that you have to evacuate your home and you only have 30 minutes what do you grab? Did you think to grab a change of clothes for everyone? What about extra shoes? While packing clothing might not seem as important as your family photo albums, making sure that your family is prepared does mean having spare clothes and shoes in your survival kit. Most people think of clothing as an afterthought and that they can go to the store and buy more clothes, but that won’t always be an option. If you were in a major...

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