emergency food storage

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , - March 30, 2021

A Short List to Feeling Prepared Tornadoes, earthquakes and hurricanes are just a few of the very common reasons why Legacy Food Storage, as a company, exists. Having shelf stable food in an emergency is always welcome.  In times of crisis store shelves become bare, trucks are unable to complete deliveries or are delayed due to storm damaged roads, you may have no electricity and be unable to communicate with those you love.  Great examples would be the unexpected Texas ice storm or the damaging hurricane winds in suburban Iowa. The year 2020 brought us a whole new reason to...

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, , - November 18, 2015

No one can argue our world today is fast paced. We are so busy with our daily life, proper nutrition sometimes takes a backseat to other things higher up on our priority list. What if there was a quick way to get that nutrition without having to put together complex meals or take several pills multiple times daily? Legacy Foods, known for its premium food storage line, asked this very same question and came up with an answer. Legacy Food Storage provides food storage for disasters, economically turbulent times, or personal crisis situations where food might run short. Legacy‘s solution...

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, , , , - January 13, 2013

Water is hands-down the single most important thing for you to have stored in an emergency. You can survive without food for up to a month or more, depending on the circumstances, but you can only go without water for three to seven days. Water is essential for our bodies because it is involved in every bodily function: metabolism, temperature moderation, digestion, transporting nutrients, organ cushioning, and detoxification, to name a few. In addition to supplying our bodies with crucial hydration, water is also essential for a surprising amount of day-to-day tasks. Go through a typical day for a moment...

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, , , , , - November 17, 2012

In a long-term survival situation, knowing how to garden and grow your own produce is great, but if you haven’t planned ahead, where are you going to get your seeds? If it’s enough of an emergency that the grocery store is not an option, then that garden center down the road is probably not going to have open doors either. Saving and storing seeds is a great complement to stocking up on emergency food storage and emergency supplies, and the good news is, almost all seeds are storable. Saving seeds is not just a wise emergency preparedness practice; it’s also...

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, , , , , - September 14, 2012

Now you can feel even better about purchasing your long term food storage with us! Our partner, Legacy Premium, just announced enhancements to their packaging process that will dramatically decrease residual oxygen levels. From now on, every pouch of Legacy Premium we sell will have an oxygen absorber sealed inside. Read the company’s press release below for more details… Legacy Premium Raises the Bar on Packaging in the Freeze-Dried Foods Industry – New Packaging will Set Standard for Long Lasting Pre-Made Emergency Food A study conducted by the University of Minnesota confirms the effectiveness of this improved packaging method, reporting...

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