Emergency Planning

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , - March 30, 2021

A Short List to Feeling Prepared Tornadoes, earthquakes and hurricanes are just a few of the very common reasons why Legacy Food Storage, as a company, exists. Having shelf stable food in an emergency is always welcome.  In times of crisis store shelves become bare, trucks are unable to complete deliveries or are delayed due to storm damaged roads, you may have no electricity and be unable to communicate with those you love.  Great examples would be the unexpected Texas ice storm or the damaging hurricane winds in suburban Iowa. The year 2020 brought us a whole new reason to...

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, , , , , - December 09, 2012

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Benjamin Franklin  A few months ago, I had an experience I don’t care to repeat ever again. I was running late for work (Don’t all good stories start that way?), and I threw my work bag together in a rush, tossed on some work clothes, and flew out the door to make my twenty-minute commute. After I was already on my way, I realized I had forgotten change for the parking meter at work. I crossed my fingers I would get lucky and not get a ticket. Then, as I got...

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