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emergency food storage, emergency preparednesss, Jared Matkin, survival gear, suvival kit -

I’m prepared, but I’m also a realist, so I imagine that for every one of us preppers, survivalists, or believers in long term emergency food storage, there is almost certainly a naysayer who might call us eccentric, over zealous or paranoid. But if you understand the value of being prepared then you know there are a lot of good reasons for storing food and maintaining well-supplied survival kits, whether it’s for a month, six months or an entire year. Some people are shocked to learn that having a year of food storage isn’t all that uncommon, and the reasons for...

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emergency preparedness, Jared Matkin, natural disasters, survival gear, survival kit -

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock you probably know that the first 10 years of this century witnessed some of the most devastating natural disasters ever recorded. The size and scale of these events affected densely populated areas all around the world and caused massive environmental, financial and human loss. The increasing severity of disasters has prompted many people to start taking emergency preparedness more seriously. While the scope and timing of these events are beyond control, being well equipped with a survival kit, emergency food and water storage will be undoubtedly helpful in the aftermath of almost any...

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Emergency Preparedness, Survival Gear -

How much water do you need to have stored? The minimum quantity of water you should have for emergency preparedness is one gallon per person per day for two weeks. It is even better to have an additional one half gallon to one gallon per person per day for washing, food preparation, and sanitation. The more water added to your storage plan the better. Hot weather will require you to have even more water. Cooking and bathing will require water. If you are still in your home during an emergency you’ll need water to flush toilets, although potable water isn’t...

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emergency preparedness, portable water filters, survival gear -

Before collecting food, clothing, shelter, money, or any other item, the single most important thing to account for in your emergency preparedness plan is water. It is essential to life, you need it more than food, and without it your survival gear won’t be complete. Water is the most common substance on earth. Though 70% of the earth is covered in water, less than 3% of the total water volume is fresh water that can be consumed by humans. And more than 80% of fresh water is in the form of glacial ice. I don’t know about anyone else’s situation...

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jared matkin, survival gear, water pitcher with filter -

When it comes to having fresh, pure drinking water many of us turn to filtration systems to remove impurities from the tap water in our homes. And if you live in a house that’s got old plumbing like I do then a good water filter pitcher makes an obvious difference when it comes to taste, purity and clarity. Like shopping for any product, picking the best water filter pitcher is a game of weighing costs and benefits. So here’s a look at how the Seychelle water pitcher offered by Wise Food Insurance compares against a leading pitcher from Brita. Seychelle...

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