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emergency preparedness, Jared Matkin, survival gear, survival kit -

When it comes to emergency preparedness we talk a lot about the importance of survival kits and how they can be created and used for everything from first aid to search and rescue. It’s well known that natural disasters can have devastating effects on man made and natural environments, but it’s probably less well known that many of the injuries people sustain actually happen in the aftermath of an event.Think for a minute about an image of a devastated area. What does that scene look like? Buildings reduced to rubble, downed power lines, broken glass, blocked roads. It’s scenes like...

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emergency preparedness, survival gear -

If you are new to emergency preparedness, you may have not yet heard about bug out locations. Although, chances are you have thought about having one. A bug out location refers to two types of living situations. Bug out location type 1 is a remote location, usually in the wilderness, where you and your family can live away from a crisis currently affecting your primary home. Bug out location 2 is a family member or friend’s home, far enough away that it is not in danger of the disaster affecting your home. A bug out location can offer a temporary...

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emergency preparedness, survival gear -

There are countless emergencies and natural disasters that can occur without warning. These range from disasters such as snowstorms that may keep families inside of a home without power for days or disasters such as hurricanes or flooding that will create the need for a family to evacuate their home. In all emergency situations a family must be prepared with a shared evacuation plan. In an emergency plan it is crucial that everyone understands the plan and their own responsibilities including the elderly and children. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has a great program for teaching children the necessities...

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Emergency food storage, emergency preparedness, Jared Matkin, survival gear, Survival kit -

While I was in the bookstore the other day I happened to stumble upon The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook. Although I’d seen the text before I‘d never taken the time to actually thumb through the pages. As I scanned the content I determined almost immediately that the great thing about this little guide is its insight on a mix of practical, preposterous and highly unlikely situations. Then again, you never know when you might have to evade being sucked up by quicksand or utilize a specialized set of skills required to escape a killer bee attack.I left the bookstore...

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emergency preparedness, survival gear, survival kit -

Many survivalists spend money and time on preparing the best emergency survival kits for their families. But, if the kits are not accessible during a disaster, the efforts will be wasted. Where you store your survival kit can be crucial to its accessibility. Just as you plan for several different types of disaster scenarios when putting together your emergency survival kit and readying your survival gear, you must also plan for these scenarios in deciding where to store your kit.Collapsed portions of buildings are common in disaster situations. Storing your kit near a concrete wall or close to the most...

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