Best Emergency Preparedness Items for Gifting

That special time of year, when it’s commonplace to give gifts to friends and loved ones, is just around the corner. The holiday season is one of my favorite times of the year, and I have a small confession… I have already started drinking eggnog and listening to the Holiday music. And so, in thinking about this special season, what better way to share the holiday spirit than by looking for great emergency preparedness gifts and items to give away to friends, co-workers, and family.

Stocking Stuffers – Great Gifts under $30 For those who don’t have unlimited resources, we understand your position and can empathize. Here are some really cool items that won’t break the bank:

  • Thermal Blankets – For a fantastic price, you can find Mylar blankets that are simple to store and extremely effective in cold weather scenarios. These are cool items to always have handy in case of trouble.
  • Solar Powered Flashlights – These are great little products that really come in handy when the power goes out. Prices can be anywhere from $8 on up.
  • Portable Water Filtration System – Water will always be a major priority during a crisis. From water bottles to pumps to purification tablets, you can easy find something in your price range.
  • Small First Aid Kit – Whether for home, office, or the car, it is always smart to have a simple first aid kit around. Search around and you can find some great values online.

Small Gifts under the Tree – $30-$200 Not wanting to go for broke for a special someone but have a bit more cash to spend, enjoy some great emergency product ideas at affordable prices:

  • Survival Kits – Having a well thought out survival or 72-hour kit is priceless in an emergency situation, and great ones can be found online. We recommend taking a close look at the contents of the pack before you settle in and make a decision. Also, find out about the bag that it comes in and make sure it is heavy duty and reliable.
  • 1 Months Food Storage – A nice idea for a small family would be a bucket of long term food storage, since food is a fundamental need during an emergency. Help make someone’s family a bit more secure by providing them with a little extra food to keep in reserve.
  • Sleeping Bags – A good sleeping bag is not only great for a good night sleep in the great outdoors, it’s extremely nice to have on hand in case of emergency. It is easy to find really quality bags in this price range. And if you pick one up for yourself too, it is a great excuse to get your friend or family member to go on a fishing trip with you and use your gift!

The Big Ones – $200 on up Have someone that you are ready to lavish with gifts, consider these emergency items for high rollers like yourself:

  • Year+ worth of Food Storage – We think it is smart for everyone to have several months worth of food on hand to prepare for whatever may come. What better way to tell someone you are concerned about their well-being than by helping to have plenty of food available to survive off of. This is also a great gift for parents and grandparents to give to young families that may need a little help.
  • Camping Gear – When we say camping gear, we mean the full setup; Tents, sleeping bags, stoves, coolers, and whatever else you can think of. Not only is this great for a backup plan, but this gift can be something that the whole family loves and uses frequently. They might think they got vacation gear, deep down you know what else it can do.
  • Solar Powered Batteries / Generators – When the power goes out, everyone suffers! Help block power outages by supplying your loved ones with a power source of their own. There are several cool concepts and ideas around solar batteries out there, do a little research and find the one that works for you.

We hope that these ideas are useful to you, please share your thoughts on other great products that could be used for holiday gifts. The season to give is a great opportunity to help your family and friends prepare and enjoy a little more security. We hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday season!

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