Jared Matkin

, , , , - May 25, 2011

While I was in the bookstore the other day I happened to stumble upon The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook. Although I’d seen the text before I‘d never taken the time to actually thumb through the pages. As I scanned the content I determined...

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, , , , - May 16, 2011

I’m prepared, but I’m also a realist, so I imagine that for every one of us preppers, survivalists, or believers in long term emergency food storage, there is almost certainly a naysayer who might call us eccentric, over zealous or paranoid. But if you...

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, , , , - May 11, 2011

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock you probably know that the first 10 years of this century witnessed some of the most devastating natural disasters ever recorded. The size and scale of these events affected densely populated areas all around the world and caused massive environmental, financial and human loss...

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, , - May 09, 2011

Let me start with a disclaimer. This is not a glamorous subject. In fact you might think it’s kind of gross. Ordinarily I might have a hard time finding an angle that makes this topic resonate with anyone living in an urban setting (or anywhere for that matter), but...

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, , , - May 02, 2011

It’s important to have an alternate means to heat food and boil water in case access to gas and electricity are interrupted or scarce due to an emergency or disaster. That means a backup stove is an important piece of equipment to have alongside any survival kit...

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