Survival Gear -
April 25, 2011
Our Top 5 Books on Survival

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- — By Tony Nester If you’re fairly new to this arena and are looking for a quick and dirty run down of basics, this is a good one. This book is geared mostly for short term survival, and it’s only 64 pages. The author points out that he can get out of the house, kids in tow, in fifteen minutes with enough
- for a week. This is highly recommended for beginners. BEGINNER PHYSICAL SURVIVAL2)
- — By Amanda Ripley This book focuses on the mental survival tactics of disaster survival. It explores how your mind reacts in a state of emergency. Needless to say, in a state of emergency there are certain primordial reactions that you can’t suppress, but being aware of them is the key to overcoming them. Small emphasis is placed on actual techniques and gear required. ADVANCED MENTAL SURVIVAL3)
- — By Laurence Gonzales "Deep Survival" is not a traditional how-to survival book. This book is another one that focuses on the mental aspects of survival instead of the actual tangible actions. Author Laurence Gonzales has written survival stories for "National Geographic Explorer," "Outside" and "Men's Journal". He uncovers the psychology behind why 10 percent of people faced with a life-threatening situation stay calm, cool and focused, while the other 90 percent freeze and panic. INTERMEDIATE MENTAL SURVIVAL4)
- — By John Wiseman John Wiseman is a former survival instructor for the British Special Air Service. This elite unit carries out operations all over the world. He knows his material down cold and is well respected and renowned in the survival community. If you’re looking for an all-inclusive book that covers everything from car crashes, earthquakes and terrorist attacks, this book has it all. ADVANCED PHYSICAL SURVIVAL5)
- — By Department of Defense The "U.S. Army Survival Manual" presents straightforward information in an easy-to-understand style. Comparable to the SAS book, this book is written instead by the Department of the Army and is geared more towards our home soil. Many of the same information is covered, but it may be slightly easier to understand and doesn’t include any Britishisms. INTERMEDIATE PHYSICAL SURVIVAL
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