240 Serving Gluten Free Entree Package - 54 lbs

Regular price: 840.00
Regular price: 840.00
Questions? (888)543-7345
Questions? (888)543-7345

The 240-serving Bulk Gluten-free Entree Package provides four months' worth of freeze-dried lunches and dinners. All of these meals are designed to be safe for those who need their food to be free of gluten. And with six different dried food storage meals to choose from, when you have this bulk supply in your pantry, you provide your family with plenty of options when it comes time to use your food storage.

Package Information
Total Servings: 240
Total Weight: 54 lb
Total Calories: 92,400
Serving Size: 1.5 Cups

Store safe meals for all members of your family with bulk gluten-free food storage

The food storage industry is adapting slowly to the needs of those who have allergies or sensitivities to gluten. All along, Legacy Premium has been a leader in adjusting its offerings to meet the needs of the growing gluten-free community. The 240-serving Entree Package is one of our most popular freeze-dried offerings when it comes to gluten-free food storage. With a variety of tasty meals to choose from, and a long term shelf life, Legacy's bulk dried meal packages are the wisest choice in food storage.

The 240-serving Bulk Gluten-Free Package is an excellent way to get started on food storage because it is such a compact supply of quality emergency rations. Packed in just two buckets, the entire supply can fit easily in most spaces. In addition to being easy to store, these freeze-dried gluten-free meals are also easy to prepare when you are ready to use them. All you need is boiling water and your hearty, delicious meal will be ready in under 20 minutes.

When you are looking to buy bulk emergency meals and you have family members with special dietary needs, look no further than Legacy Premium's gourmet 240-serving Dried Entree Package. With a variety of meal options, a long shelf life, and high-quality ingredients, your emergency supply will meet your family's needs.

240 Serving Gluten Free Entree Package
Servings 240
Avg. Calories Per Serving 385
Total Calories 92,400
2,000 Calorie Days 46.2
Cost Per 2000 Calories $18.18
Cost Per LB $15.56
Residual O2 Content 0.11%
Configuration Pouches in Buckets
Large Buckets 2
Medium Buckets -
Small Buckets -
Loose pouches -
Total Pouches 60
Package Weight 54 Pounds (lb)
Total Dimensions 3.18 Cubic Feet
Shipping Configuration Boxes

Product Contents

Non-GMO, High in Fiber , Low Fat , Low Sodium , Nitrogen Flushed Pouches , No HFCS , No MSG Added , No Trans Fats , Oxygen Absorbers , Uses Sea Salt , Vegetarian Friendly